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Thought of the Day

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

 ~ Wisdom of the Icelandic Elves

Kripalu Yoga  Flow

Of all styles of yoga, I most enjoy Kripalu Yoga. Swami Kripalu was a free spirited yogi. He taught his students to explore yoga poses to find the sweet spot that would most benefit and honor their own body.The practice of an advanced Kripalu yogi looks like a dance as the yogi mindfully flows through poses. Kripalu Yoga guides the student to find the teacher within and to listen  closely to their own body.

In this class we stretch, we strengthen, we breathe, we move, we open, we flow and we relax, letting the benefits of our yoga settle in. Depending on the needs and desire of the group and time of day, this class can be very energizing or deeply relaxing.

Yoga Dance

If you love to dance, you will love Yoga Dance! If you like to dance but don't feel confident, you will love Yoga Dance! Yoga Dance is fun for everyone because everyone is a dancer in their own way.

Yoga Dance utilizes dance themes, choreography and music that move through the energy centers of the body called chakras. Chakras relate to all aspects of human energy and emotion. They correlate with our physical well-being as well as the emotional bodies. 


We begin with a grounding yoga warm up. We then transition into the flowing movement of Chakra 2. We power up in Chakra 3, and move into our heart and connect with others in Chakra 4. The upper chakras take us into voice and expression, vision and awareness. We end with a short guided relaxation to integrate and assimilate the good work we've done for our body, mind and soul.

Based on the beautiful work of Megha Nancy Buttenheim - and

Anodea Judith's life-long exploration of Chakras -

Creative Movement

Creative Movement is an improvisational movement class. We explore the body's natural movement and expand our creative expression. We begin by tuning in, warming up and awakening our kinesthetic sense. We then move into a theme or quality of movement. We explore force, time, space and use props to inspire our movement and expand our creativity. We warm up as individuals but gradually come together to dance in pairs and groups. Creating dance in the present moment with others is an amazing, uplifting experience.

Based on the life-work of Barbara Mettler at the Tucson Creative Dance Center.

Creative Yoga Dance

Creative Yoga Dance is a unique, super fun, low stress, healthy movement experience for every body. This class offers a blend of Creative Movement, Improvisation and Yoga Dance. The sequence of dance themes and music follows the energy centers of the body called 'chakras'. As we move through our energy centers, we expand and explore our body's natural movement as well as our individual creative expression. We use lots of fun props and musical instruments to inspire our creativity, deepen our experience and expand the Fun!!!

(See more explanation of Yoga Dance and Creative Movement in sections above.)

Creative Movement


No experience needed. Drumming is a very natural activity that anyone can enjoy regardless of their musical experience. African, Latin and Native American hand drums and lots of small percussion instruments are provided. But if you have a favorite instrument please feel free to bring it along.

Some instruction will be provided to help beginners feel confident and learn how to get the best tones out of the drums. We explore and play with rhythms as we warm up utilizing strategies such as echo, call and response and fun rhythmic group activities. But, the best part is when we just JAM together and let it rip! Drumming is Fun! Come make some music with us!

Yoga Free Style
Yoga Dance
Creative Movement
Creative Yoga Dance
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    Mountain Rhythms Healing through Movement, Music, and Mindfulness

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