Great Programs We Support
The following are links to Fantastic Programs that we at Mountain Rhythms support by providing free programs and donating financial contributions.
We invite you to click on their logos to learn more about the great work these organizations are doing to support children, teens and adults dealing with cancer and other serious diseases.
Roger Daltry and Pete Townshend of the classic 70s rock band The Who founded Teen Cancer America. After a decade working with Teenage Cancer Trust in the UK, the duo decided to bring their passion across the pond in 2012 and make a difference in the lives of teens and young adults with cancer in the United States.
The duos’ goal is to raise the bar on how young people with cancer are treated by establishing specialized facilities and services to help meet their physical and emotional needs. Pete and Roger co-founded the Daltrey/Townshend Teen and Young Adult Cancer Program at UCLA Medical Center.
In many hospitals, teens battling cancer are placed in wards with very young children. This is very diminishing for a teen at this point in their emotional and physical development. Roger and Pete raise money through their concerts, sale of rock and roll memorabilia and their signature champagne to help create areas within hospitals where teens and young adults dealing with this disease can connect with others their own age going through the same battle. The cure and recovery rates for teens in these settings is significantly higher.